Welcome to my Site!

Writing is such a lonely business. Cyberspace is the means by which we stay in touch with fellow writers and keep up to date on their writing struggles and successes, but it is hardly a substitute for face to face working relationships. The only face to face conversation I have during the day is with the cat when she jumps up on my desk, gets in my face, and demands my attention. Quite often I have nobody with whom I can toss around an idea or debate pros and cons. If I have a brain freeze, the cat can’t help me work through it.

I sometimes wonder what it’s like to work in a busy office with people coming and going and the boss looking over your shoulder. Office politics come into play when dealing with various personalities, positions, and egos. A certain hierarchy is in place—a distinct pecking order, if you will, and company policies must be followed. While people who work in an office have co-workers with whom they can interact, I have my husband. Unfortunately, he is a “normal” (a non-writer). When a writer tries to talk about writing with a normal, the responses range from puzzled frowns to patronizing smiles. They just don’t get it.

On the other hand, my “boss” is the Lord. I don’t punch a time clock, nor must I dress in the latest designer originals. Sometimes I work in my pajamas, and He doesn’t mind. We do have “business luncheons”—usually a peanut butter sandwich and a diet Coke—during which He outlines His plans for my work, or gently critiques something I’ve written. He often asks me to work late, but He is always generous and patient with my flexible hours. Perhaps the most unique aspect of this business is that a Christian writer never “punches out and goes home.” God and I can be discussing “business” in the kitchen while I’m cooking supper, or while I’m folding laundry, or even after I climb into bed.

The hierarchy is two-steps—God first, and everything else second. God’s company policy is pretty simple: trust and obey. Yes, I’m always “on call”, but then I can look forward to those glamorous luncheons. And I am grateful that God is looking over my shoulder. How many blunders would I make without His constant presence? How lonely would I be were it not for His companionship? The best part? God is not a normal. I can talk to Him about a writing project, and He understands!

Yes, I believe I am blessed with the best “boss” in the world—or in heaven.

Thanks for letting me share my heart,

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